Black Hills Yesterday & Today by Paul Horsted

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Book. Dozens of historic photos of Black Hills-area towns and landmarks are matched with modern photos taken from the same camera points, to show remarkable changes and surprising similarities of the past hundred years. “Then and now” photos of Black Hills communities such as Deadwood, Custer, Rapid City and many others, as well as landmarks such as Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, Wind Cave National Park, Harney Peak, Sylvan Lake, Spearfish Canyon, Bear Butte, and many more. (Golden Valley Press, Custer, SD, 2nd Edition, 2007). Cloth with dust jacket. 304 pages. Makes a gorgeous coffee table book. 

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Weight 50.0 oz


1 review for Black Hills Yesterday & Today by Paul Horsted

  1. Jim

    If you have any connection to this area of the country, you will love this book!

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